pátek 5. října 2012

Spooky horses

This is my friend Vecko, she is drinking in style:D we have Whooping caught in campus so we have to protect ourselves :D:D

Chinese boys aka my flatmates made us a "typical chinese meal"

Typical friday :D lots of bottles

I was thinking about tattoo on hand inspired by Lana del Rey - Trust no one


a gift from my Chinese flatmate who is sushi lover just like me:D

I fell in love with a spooky horse in Camden town:D

All from Camden town...

Thinking about buying a leather skirt - hot or not?

No party for me this friday :( I am ill, the cold weather is killing me. Seriously. 
I mean what should I expect? The british girls are running around the campus in slutty clothing, almost naked and they are perfectly healthly - so what the hell is wrong with me?
Yeah, so lets have a nice cup of coldrex and lovely retro movie "such an idyllic night"... 
Tommorow we are going to Portobello market I hope I´ll take some nice photos there. 

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