Hey nice new blog here! I was wondering if you would like to enter the competition to become the Fashion Muse on my online fashion magazine, it means that you will have your outfits published there!....write an e-mail at info.forerunners@libero.it to learn more! I'm your newest follower now, and I hope you will visit my blog too and let me know your opinion...maybe you could follow me back if you like it! XOXO Ylenia
Ten case je z Ebaye za pár dolarů, stačí napsat melting icecream a najde ti ho i v neonové ((: jinak taky moc nenosím šaty/sukně, ale plánuji to změnit:D (už asi rok)
krásna sukňa, určite by som si ju na tvojom mieste kúpila:)
OdpovědětVymazata krásny top
Díky za radu K.(:
VymazatHey nice new blog here!
OdpovědětVymazatI was wondering if you would like to enter the competition to become the Fashion Muse on my online fashion magazine, it means that you will have your outfits published there!....write an e-mail at info.forerunners@libero.it to learn more!
I'm your newest follower now, and I hope you will visit my blog too and let me know your opinion...maybe you could follow me back if you like it!
Thanks, you look stunning I´ve just seen your blog (:
Vymazatfotíš nádherně! :)
OdpovědětVymazata ten iPhone case úplně žeru! :D zahraniční shop, žejo? :D
s tou sukní neporadim, sem antinenohavice :D
Ten case je z Ebaye za pár dolarů, stačí napsat melting icecream a najde ti ho i v neonové ((:
Vymazatjinak taky moc nenosím šaty/sukně, ale plánuji to změnit:D (už asi rok)
pěkné fotky na poslední máš úžasnou sukni !:))
OdpovědětVymazatDíky moc (: